Trust Center

AI & Autonomous Technologies Context Definition

Mechanisms exist to establish and document the context surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Autonomous Technologies (AAT), including: ? Intended purposes; ? Potentially beneficial uses; ? Context-specific laws and regulations; ? Norms and expectations; and ? Prospective settings in which the system(s) will be deployed.

Acquired Personal Data

Mechanisms exist to promptly inform data subjects of the utilization purpose when their Personal Data (PD) is acquired and not received directly from the data subject, except where that utilization purpose was disclosed in advance to the data subject.

Malicious Code Protection (Anti-Malware)

Mechanisms exist to utilize antimalware technologies to detect and eradicate malicious code.

Continuous Monitoring Plan

Mechanisms exist to require the developers of systems, system components or services to produce a plan for the continuous monitoring of cybersecurity & data privacy control effectiveness.

Continuous Incident Response Improvements

Mechanisms exist to use qualitative and quantitative data from incident response testing to: ?Determine the effectiveness of incident response processes; ?Continuously improve incident response processes; and ?Provide incident response measures and metrics that are accurate, consistent, and in a reproducible format.

Authenticated Received Chain (ARC)

Mechanisms exist to utilize an authenticated received chain that allows for an intermediary to sign its own authentication of the original email, allowing downstream entities to accept the intermediary's authentication even if the email was changed.

Indicators of Exposure (IOE)

Mechanisms exist to develop Indicators of Exposure (IOE) to understand the potential attack vectors that attackers could use to attack the organization.

Malformed Input Testing

Mechanisms exist to utilize testing methods to ensure systems, services and products continue to operate as intended when subject to invalid or unexpected inputs on its interfaces.

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